Taught by Navy SEALs, intelligence officers, neuroscientists, executives, and ultra-endurance athletes.

Learn to achieve peak performance and happiness amidst any challenge

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Trident Mindset provides world-class mental toughness training

Being mentally tough means you can achieve peak happiness and performance no matter what stress, anxiety, setback, challenge, pain, fatigue, or obstacle gets thrown at you.

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Trident Mindset is for Everyone

Everyone can benefit from being happier and more effective amidst adversity.

People trying to unlock peak performance
People who feel overwhelmed by stress, anxiety, fear, pain, fatigue, or failure
People who just want to be happier

We are here for you - the entire way. 

For students seeking highly advanced or personalized training, Trident Mindset offers in-person and phone consultations with our experts.

Trident Mindset Is For Everyone

Call To Action

How To Learn Mental Toughness

Mental toughness is like building biceps. You have to hit the gym, eat right, sleep right to grow. The same goes for your mind. You will cultivate it. Train it. And measure your progress to being a better happier more focused you. 


Daily lessons that teach you the 12 mental toughness tactics: stoicism, micro-goals, meditation, breath control, intentionality, discipline, and more.


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Daily mindset training exercises to practice the tactics you’re learning




Get Focused


A daily checklist you can use to assess how well you’re incorporating mental toughness into your life



Get Ahead

Meet Chriss Smith Jr. Retired Navy SEAL

"There is no reset on the panic button"


Christopher Perilli

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George Samuelson

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Strength isn't born. It's cultivated. It's created. It's built on consistency and good choices. To stare fear in the face and tell it - "I have something to do and you won't stop me"

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